‘Smart’ times are the best times to charge your electric vehicle at home as determined by WeaveGrid. 'Smart' times generally correspond with times when your electricity costs are lowest, grid strain is down, and clean energy is most abundant. While they generally overlap with ‘off-peak’ charging times, as more vehicles connect to the grid, ‘Smart’ times will become increasingly variable and dynamic.
As a result, ‘Smart’ times may shift day by day and minute by minute based on factors such as your neighborhood’s charging demand and other factors. The key is to simply allow your vehicle to follow the Automatic Smart Charging schedule set by WeaveGrid!
On your dashboard, you’ll notice a ‘Smart’ times percentage that is calculated from the last 7 days.
For those using the Automatic Smart Charging service the ‘Smart’ times percentage represents the amount of home charging you’ve done that occurs within the optimized schedules created by WeaveGrid.
The ‘Smart’ times percentage is calculated by dividing the amount of energy your vehicle consumed during ‘Smart’ times, by the total energy that you consumed charging at home over a given time period.
You can increase your ‘Smart’ time percentage by plugging in whenever you are home, and by minimizing the times you override the optimized schedules generated for you by WeaveGrid.